Monte B. - Rusk, TX

OCCUPATION: Caregiver/Self Employed
PDGA # 63350
HOME COURSE: Lindsay Park in Tyler, TX
FAVORITE DISC: All of them but if I must, Rhyno or Starfire

It all started 29 years ago and I was 11. I was a bit of a wild child and I had no direction in my life and couldn’t grasp anything. One day my uncle Mark Boehning took me to Disc Creek DGC in Amarillo, Tx, my home town, and I was hooked. Well, my first throw ever was with a 1993 aviar and in a 60 mph head wind and my disc went 60 foot behind me, hmmm this is gonna be tricky but fun. It didn’t take long for my to figure it out. I spent every second of every day that I could throwing and growing. I played my first jr tournament a year later in the snow and won first place in a playoff. Whoop whoop and I was stuck. off and on for years I stop and start all over again. I never took disc golf seriously, same with life. I took a lot for granted. In and out of trouble trying to find myself or at least what was real. It took a lot of falls to get to where I stand today. My family stood behind me when I couldn’t and believed in me at my worst. No matter what was going on I could go to the course and be free and find myself, kind of like a reset. Everything clicked and i was growing stronger on the course as well as in life. Everything changed in a blink of an eye. In 2018 I was hit by a car. I mean I went over the top of his car and landed between his car and my truck. I was seriously injured. It took me two hard year for therapy to get me to where I could play disc golf again. I thought I was back but a year later at work I blowout my shoulder and again I thought I’d never play disc Golf again. So for all of 2021 I start with 5 ft putts and worked my way to 100 foot shots by the end of the year and I decided to try a tournament and wow I won and again, I’m hooked. I went for broke in 2022 playing tournaments and what a year it was. So I’m back at it in 2023, I still feel pain all the time from my past, physically and mentally but I’ve come this far and I’m not stopping till my time has come to part this world and I pray I can play with Christ in Heaven on the most beautiful course ever. But til then, look for me on a course near you and let’s play a round. Disc golf is more than a sport to me, it’s a way of life. We all struggle at times and we all come short of the hole, we all go OB or possibly even hit a tree but it’s how we pick up the disc to finish the hole and try try to perfect the next one. This is Monte Bruington and a quick story of me and disc golf, the longest relationship of my life. Lol. Keep Throwing and Growing."